
Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Fathers Day

Hi peeps sorry I haven't been around lately my computer has been playing up it seems to have a mind of its own the man is coming back on Friday to check it, To days card is a image from Digi stamps boutique I really enjoyed colouring him in .

Hopeing to put this little feller in challenge# 3 here comes the boys


paper freebie


Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Get well soon

Afternoon all
Had to stop my booktrex Just to do this card for a poorly friend hope she likes it
Does any peep no how I can get a different font on my blog there doesn't seem many to choose from do let me no if there is thank you, will try and catch up later

Saturday, 14 May 2011

Wedding 2

Morning all what a week I have had with this naughty blog only just found out I was not the only one hope they have got it right now. To days card is yes sorry more booktrex for a wedding, I have also had a order for a new baby one I will have a go and see what I come up with

Hugs Jean xxx

Monday, 9 May 2011


Morning all

what a time I have had I just couldn't put any post on my blog some how some of the settings have change had to go to the net to found a solution .lucky enough I have a nother computer by the side of this one so I was able to see what was wrong because I couldn't work out why I could do it on that computer but not on this one,all back to normal now I hope (she says keeping her fingers crossed)well enough of all that .To days post is a booktrex hope you like it I do quiet a few of these as gifts for my Friends

Must go got to get on with some work now

Hugs Jean x